Jauciu judo daugiau sportuoja... 
pagal statistika 2009m dziudo sportuoja virš 4100, o karate kyokushin beveik 3500.
Dėl lygio - tai kad tik vienos vyrų svorio kategorijos finale buvo abu lietuviai, o kitose vyrų kategorijose nėra pirmų vietų, taip kad lygį dar yra kur kelti.
Kovas galima pažiūrėti Jūs neturite teisės matyti nuorodas.
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Prisijungti arba į yuotube.com suvedus "2010 Shinkyokushin EC Logrono"
O užsienio forumuose yra ir tokių atsiliepimų:
- well organized from spanish team
- bad schedule, made by eko
-- no time for preparation after breaks and when the ec starts on saturday
-- some new rules about pushing and holding
-- lot of new judges/refs = greenhorns
-- lot of bad decisions has thrown top fighters out in early rounds
-- questionable decisions through the tournament
- no japanese entered the ec/first time ever???
- less spectators
- quality without quantity
- low level of women fights
-- questionable decisions in hw division i the semis and in the final
-- same in middleweight
-- in lw decision was no standard - current champion was thrown out in first round, maybe for real, the only lw top fighter where killed by the greenhorn judges in the first round...
- too much political power of lithuania bring them some victories... ;-(((
controverse was the discussion of the lithuanian secretary with the head referees about the draw. it tooks half an hour. this is poor - why have we to discuss about the draw with a secretary or coaches??? maybe on local tournaments, but not at ec...
for me this was one of the badest ec ever... not about the organising team but on the eko and the referees.
the fighters prepare themselves a long time before this event. the eastern countries come with professional fighters - they don´t have to work. west europe has no profs. they have to work and train or take their holidays for training. and so, i have to expect referees also on a high level and not like a amateur level like last weekend. thats poor and has nothing to do with sportsmanship and fair play. sad, too sad..